That whip drop....

Watch Brandon Semenuk working towards his 2021 Red Bull Rampage win

Brandon Semenuk’s journey as a rider has been one of exploration and innovation.

He continues to melt all expectations of what’s even possible on a bike, while pushing the boundaries of freeriding, slopestyle, dirt jumping, and trail riding. As a creative force, everything he puts down is pragmatic, enchanting, and done with intent, leaving his fans and other competing athletes in awe. Brandon’s biggest moments in mountain biking have come from his ability to combine technical riding innovation, with his own conceptual creativity and athletic prowess. Even moreso, and this comes from personal experience, from him just loving to ride, from the break of dawn till darkness falls. Never have I experienced a rider so stoked to be on his bike…

His process often goes unseen, but the results continue to inspire us.

Very stoked to see this awesome half hour behind the scenes doco following Brandon to the 2021 Red Bull Rampage happen…