Win! The ultimate SRAM experience, as you ride with Sam Hill at Maydena!

Imagine spending a full day riding one-on-one with Sam Hill, on Australia’s best gravity trails? Just you and the 5 x DH World Champion / EWS Champion hanging out shuttling endless runs at Maydena Bike Park, Tasmania, followed by beers and a lush dinner afterwards. 

That dream is about to become a reality for 1 lucky rider this summer thanks to SRAM / Rockshox!

This (literally) once in a lifetime experience is all inclusive; your flights, transfers, meals, accommodation will all be taken care of and SRAM will even give your bike some love on the day as well! 

As part of this awesome prize [R]evolution Magazine will be covering the day and you’ll then be able to see yourself star in an article on the pages of the April magazine edition. 

To get yourself into the draw simply tell us 3 things;

  1. What is your favourite component in SRAM’s massive 2020 product range?
  2. Why would you love to spend a day at Maydena riding and hanging out with Sam Hill?
  3. And finally tell us a little bit about yourself; your age, where you live, how long you’ve been riding for and what’s your current bike set-up? 

Email your entry to:

The contest will be drawn at 10pm EST 10/2/2020 and the winner will be shredding with Sam at Maydena 28/2/2020

The fine print

This contest is only open to Australian residents. The winner will be picked at random so don’t worry you don’t have to be a poet for your entry to stand out from the crowd. The winner will be flown to and from Tasmania via the winners closest major Australian airport.