Dean Lucas is ready for a massive year. His Chasing Trail edit is all time!

Coming off a year of complete uncertainty, Dean Lucas returned to home soil to take some time out. The place? His old stomping ground of the Victovian high country.

Shutting down the worries of the world, social media and all that were taking a toll on him mentally, his focus and drive given the space needed through the serenity of some of Australia’s most beautiful surroundings. Armed with a quiver of Scott bikes, some old and new found friends, his training began, a process that he describes as life changing. The results in this edit are easy to see, and Dean’s 2021 focus is sharper than ever. We’re so keen to see him take on the world this year!

“Going into 2021 I feel as though I am riding a wave of momentum created over the past 10 years, all the good, the bad, ups, downs, crashes, wins, people, places and culture I’ve encountered along this journey has led me to this point now. So, what’s next? Doing everything humanly possible to make the dream become a reality and becoming the best in the world at racing my bike and in the process inspiring others to do the same.”

You can read his full story here: