When Plan B turns to Plan A you make the best of it. Sun Peaks shredding with Graham Agassiz

Kona’s Graham Agassiz, photobro Harookz and a whole crew headed to BC’s interior on a quest for some lines that had been evading them for too long.

Good times and bad, the crew and shared stories make it all worth it. Here’s Graham’s take on it once you’ve finished watching the epic clip above!

Sun Peaking with Aggy from Kona Bikes on Vimeo.

We had the full crew, trailer and all, packed full of gear and food for a week or more. We were headed out west, hoping to check off some of the bucket list lines that I have been frothing over for years.

Unfortunately, the rivers that we needed to cross were flowing real fast and the high water basically made it impossible for us to cross and get where we needed to go. It’s the way she goes sometimes. So after a brief safety meeting, we decided to drive all the way back to Kamloops and shred Sun Peaks Bike Park, which had just opened up the week prior.

Matty Miles and I were there that opening week and we had an absolute blast shredding the fresh spring hero dirt, so it only made sense to go back up there with the crew to shred and enjoy the conditions while they lasted.

On the last lap of the last day, Harookz had a horrible OTB with his camera bag on and ended up cracking some ribs. The next day was wet and rainy so we headed up to one of our favorite local fishing holes for a day on the water. The fishing was slow, but that never really matters that much when you’re with good people. We had a fire, cooked some deer sausage and laughed at each other’s stories. Was a good way to end the shoot.

– Graham Agassiz