A Foodless Odyssey…

Cycling across Haidai Gwaii sustained solely by Nature itself.

When Matt Hunter set out with Charlie McLellan, Anthill director Darcy Wittenburg and photographer Nicolas Teichrob to bikepack around the remote island of Haida Gwaii, an archipelago about 60km off the northern Pacific coast of British Columbia, they did so with… no food. They would forage, fish and hunt every calorie they consumed for seven days and 207 km, living off the land much like the local Haida have done for centuries.
The creators behind the likes of Unreal, Anthill Films shot, edited and produced Foodless Odyssey, an eleven-minute doco following the journey and survival tactics employed by these four riders. After airing on prime-time US TV as part of OutsideTV’s Dispatches, the full video is now online for all to watch. Definitely good viewing!