BBQ Mission with Jérôme Clementz

Missing a Barbecue? It’s not an option for Jérôme Clementz!

There is always a solution, especially with the different bikes available now, including his new eBike from Cannondale.

“I missed so many of them when I was racing, that I can not afford to skip invitation anymore.”

“Even when you car is getting fixed and you have to cover 70km at least, you find a solution. And if on top you can spend a full day riding your bike, it’s even better.  Especially when you are lucky enough to have the perfect weather, an impressive trail network, beautiful landscape and some sick light all the way.”

“I wonder if I would make it as a rule now, to go by bike for the next BBQ’s, it makes the experience just better and you have no regret to enjoy the food and drinks after all the calories burnt through the day!”

Video by Jeremie Reuiller/ Ill Prod assisted by Florian Grohens and Quentin Gachon

Photos by Richard Bord