Remy Morton performs during the submission video shooting for consideration for Red Bull Rampage 2022 // Logan Gallagher / Red Bull Content Pool // SI202207260002 // Usage for editorial use only //

Remy Morton RAW on Utah cliffs

It was only a matter of time… A date with Destiny so to speak. The red cliffs of Utah, home of Rampage and so many legendary freeride exploits. And one Australian rider who’s mark on MTB is indelible; Remy Morton.

Heading to Virgin, Utah for the first time, Remy re-imagines some of the most infamous hits through his lens. A big job on the tools and on the bike thats for sure. 46 foot drops anyone? In some ways this edit, the riding and the behind the scenes that follows is so much like the early days of freeride, ‘cept for some sculpted launchers… Stoked to see Remy blazing his trail over there!